Coder's Biography Home

(QR Coder in the flesh)


My name is Coder, and I'm a 22 year old guy who lives in the worst possible place in Canada

I'm pansexual, I'm a furry, and I like to collect video games and consoles (ask me about any game/console for a potential info dump in the form of facts and not shutting the fuck up about said game/console) as well as old technology and other strange things that I happen to come across

I'm also intrested in cooking (from actual respectable dishes, to deep frying a McDonald's burger) airsoft, and video editing

My music tastes mostly consist of Electronic and EDM, but I also like a bunch of music that isn't stuff like that

My current favorite games include Smash Ultimate, Battlefield 1, GTA V, Hitman, Mario Kart, Persona, Shin Megami Tensei, and more.